

06 Feb


SWITCH Empyrean: Railjack + Kuva Lich Changes Update 27.1.0

We’ve included everything from PC Update 27.0.6 - (hotfixed on PS4 and XB1 earlier this week)! The total download size for this update is ~305 MB - which means we are still under the base memory allowance on Switch.

Nintendo Switch Specific Notes:

  • The first version of the Motion Controls for Railjack is here! Since it is the first version we consider it passable but not perfect, we’ll be watching for your feedback and continue to make improvements towards it for future updates. We wanted to bring it to you sooner rather than later, especially seeing as it is such a highly requested feature as we've seen in the status thread.
  • Switch Specific Fixes: 
    • Fixed Pustrels being consumed instead of the intended resources when crafting in the Dojo. This also fixes the issue of being unable to build anything ...
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05 Feb



Heart of the Ordis has arrived! If this isn’t your first rotation, you might find that declaring your love from the top of the Orb Vallis only goes so far in displaying your infatuation for that special Valentenno.


Show your affection with four new Glyphs! The Donwyn Glyph Bundle II is available now in the in-game Market. From an engrossing Kuva heart to every Tenno’s favorite wingman, there’s a Glyph for every sweetheart in your crosshairs.

Items from previous cycles are also making their return:

  • Valentine Color Picker - 1 Credit
  • Eros Arrow Skin - 5,000 C...
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An update on the Ivara skirt bug! The team discovered that the bug has been appearing across all platforms. We expect to have a fix for the next PC mainline update and will make sure that fix is added to the following console update. 🙂

04 Feb


With the update shipping on PS4 and XboxOne today, we want to make sure Nintenno are kept in-the-know. Here is what you can expect!

In addition to the same Kuva Lich and Railjack changes other platforms received, we’ve included some big ticket Nintendo Switch-specific fixes in Empyrean: Railjack + Kuva Lich Changes Update 27.1.0. The team has been busy working on  some remaining issu...

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Hi everyone,

Right now, the team is working on a fix for the matchmaking and network issues that can occur when your Switch resumes from sleep mode. Thank you for your reports and for your patience! We'll ship the fix as soon as possible


Thank you for providing screenshots with your report! Our team is aware and working on a fix for the graphical corruption that can appear during extended play. You can expect a fix in a future update!


We have altered the way some items load into Railjack, and that's going to fix a few bugs, including this missing Railjack bug. The fix is part of the build we shipped to Cert yesterday, so you can expect it in the next update! Thank you so much for your patience.


Hi all! Our team has made a fix to the way some items load into Railjack, which should fix a few bugs - including the Pustrels bug! This fix is coming in the next update, in Cert now. Thank you for your patience

31 Jan

1 minute ago, Vlada91 said:

And how 2 win if you dont know how to create video but you have badass dojo?

You don't need to create a video. You're welcome to submit only images! 😄 Do whatever you feel is best for showcasing your Clan Dojo.



Even when it’s cold outside, we can always count on the familiar warmth of our Clan Dojos. Take us on a tour to show us all the hard work and creativity that’s gone into creating yours! Your Clan Dojo could be one of the first Featured on the Star Chart in 2020.

There will be three winners per Clan tier per platform (20 first place winners in total).

  • PC: Ghost, Shadow, Storm, Mountain, Moon
  • PS4: Ghost, Shadow, Storm, Mountain, Moon
  • XB1: Ghost, Shadow, Storm, Mountain, Moon
  • Switch:  Ghost, Shadow, Storm, Mountain, Moon

How to enter:

Decorate your Cla...

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28 Jan


The Empyrean Supporter Pack has everything you need to take to the stars in style, including Platinum and exclusive Empyrean-themed items!



The Empyrean Supporter Pack ...

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24 Jan


Hotfix 2

This Hotfix is bringing in some behind the scenes goods to be revealed at a later date! We are still building for a bigger Update that will bring many Railjack changes and fixes, you can read our plans for the first console update of 2020 in the PSA we posted earlier this week. 


  • Fixed being in Operator mode in the Dry Dock and then starting a Railjack mission resulting in your Operator being in it’s non-combat Dojo state.

23 Jan


Hoping to clear up any confusion here! The contest outline explains, "Featured Spots for winners are reserved for November 2019 - February 2020". I briefly addressed a question about whether Clans have been skipped during the Nintendo @ 10 live stream on December 4 (as you mentioned above!) Here's the clip:

For this round of the Featured Dojo contest, Nintendo Switch was put...

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3 minutes ago, (XB1)UmbranAssassin said:

Does the 250 word limit apply to a small description of what we based the shanty on. With how may shanties there are out there and different ways they're sung. I just figured we should be able to at least add in a short description of which shanty we based ours on so everyone knows exactly what tune we're going for.

The 250 word limit only applies to the shanty itself! Please feel free to dive into details about what inspired your shanty 😄

8 minutes ago, DisguisedKoala said:

Do they need to be based on existing shanty’s?

is it just lyrics? No notes or something like that to know how it goes with tones and such?

Submissions shouldn't be based on existing shanties. Original lyrics only, please! Let that creativity flow

... Read more

Happy Lunar New Year, Tenno!

It’s the Year of the Rat, which is said to symbolize vitality, intelligence and prosperity. As luck would have it, there’s a prosperous Lunar New Year Glyph available for 1 Credit in the Market! The Gengzi Glyph is available from now until January 31 at 2 p.m. ET.

Display your Glyph and bestow your Squad with good health and fortune.



The sailors of old knew that nothing could capture the wonder of the open sea like music and poetry - a sea shanty! Launching our Railjacks, we now seek to capture the wonder of open space. Show us by writing a space shanty that you and your Empyrean crew would be proud to sing.

How to enter: Write original lyrics to a shanty fit for you and your Empyrean crew! Maximum 250 words

Need an example?


Start engines and prepare for the long haul!
The stars they will answer,
The stars they will guide us,
Follow the Void’s call!

Armaments ready we stand fast and tall.
Grineer they will answer,

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Wow this list goes above and beyond and is really helpful. Thank you so much! We're going to make sure we get all of these Glyphs working of the forums ASAP 😄

22 Jan

9 hours ago, -AxHx-Vile said:

@[DE]Helen Now that the Cy glyph is active on the forums, can we perhaps get an update on when all glyphs will work on the forums? You guys seemed to get this done very quickly, so adding all the glyphs that exist shouldn't be too much of an issue?

Hey -AxHx-Vile,

The team did a pass on forum Glyphs yesterday, so most if not all should be working now! If you have noticed that some still don't work, I'd love to know which ones...

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20 Jan

On 2020-01-19 at 2:29 PM, (NSW)Zwiebel said:

Drydock Payload is COMPLETELY Bugged.

Only uses Pustrels instead of the supposed Resource.....



@[DE]Helen Sorry to bother, but this seems to be pretty aggravating, as we need them for a lot of thing in our Railjack.

Our team is tracking reports about this bug here:

Please feel free to include more details in the bug report thread if you have anything to a...

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1 minute ago, pro2play2 said:

I never get any drop. my Twitch is linked. i watch stream for 30-45min+ yet i never get any drop on my account. what to do?

I recommend unlinking and then relinking your Warframe and Twitch accounts!

  1. Sign into warframe.com
  2. Account Management > User Information
    1. On this page, you will see whether you are linked to Twitch. For example, since my account is linked to Twitch, I see "Twitch Sync: Linked to [DE]Helen. Click here to unlink"
    2. You can also see if your account is not linked. If my account wasn't linked, for example, I would see "Twitch Sync: Click here to link"
  3. If you ...
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