SWITCH Empyrean: Railjack + Kuva Lich Changes Update 27.1.0
We’ve included everything from PC Update 27.0.6 - (hotfixed on PS4 and XB1 earlier this week)! The total download size for this update is ~305 MB - which means we are still under the base memory allowance on Switch.
Nintendo Switch Specific Notes:
- The first version of the Motion Controls for Railjack is here! Since it is the first version we consider it passable but not perfect, we’ll be watching for your feedback and continue to make improvements towards it for future updates. We wanted to bring it to you sooner rather than later, especially seeing as it is such a highly requested feature as we've seen in the status thread.
Switch Specific Fixes:
- Fixed Pustrels being consumed instead of the intended resources when crafting in the Dojo. This also fixes the issue of being unable to build anything ...